You have stumbled upon my cozy cat collection!
Now why is this a cozy collection? Because each cat is based on a character from my cozy mystery series! This series is close to my heart because it was my first series created! It contains my very first book, Tabby Trouble. Back then I was just a girl with a wild dream and thought, wouldn’t it be amazing to publish a book? Now that series has six books, and I thought we had to celebrate this incredible milestone. And I thought there would be no better way to celebrate the sixth book coming out by turning everyone’s favorite characters into pins!
Now that you know why this collection is cozy, let me tell you about the cats! Each cat is special. Everyone single one of them has played a huge part in a book or several books. I have grown to adore these cats, but I’m not the only ones! My readers have fallen in love with them as well! Whether it be Lola and her sassy attitude, Dream’s weird way of talking, or Luna’s fish obsession!
These cats came to life on the pages and now it’s time to bring them to life as pins!