Syndicate Wastrels is a 30+ page Zine featuring three new criminal organizations to bring trouble to your galactic systems. The book is jam-packed with details on gang moral ethos, violent hierarchy, stolen technology, and illicit economic activities, offering everything that your players will need to hunt them down, work alongside them, or manipulate them for their own gain.
- Void Huffers: Violent, chaotic, drug dealers that sell backyard pharmaceuticals and synthetic cyberware. Half the price, twice the danger, and all of the chemical overload.
- Maldian Farrows: Criminals whose dirty fingers dip their way into every legal and illegal trade across the system. No law or citizen too powerful for them to tear through.
- Eco Phage: A quasi-militia who stand against the immoral destruction of ecological realms. With death, carnage, and profiteering the tip of the iceberg.
In space, it's the environment that seems the most out to get you, but people who think that haven't had a plasma rifle pressed up against their temple. Space, space is ambivalent, the Maldian Farrows, they hunt you down like rats in a duct. - Cpt. Marcus Fallows, S.S Trimount