In March, the dragons came to play as shiny pins. Now they are back to trick or treat in the spooky haunt of Pinners Hollow. They gathered in the cemetery surrounded by bones and stones and all that goes bump in the night. Enter if you dare to see what magical treats these dragons have conjured. Will you grow your hoard with a shiny new treasure or be tricked with a deadly curse instead with nothing but bones to claim?
Join me and my fellow creators as we explore the village of Pinners Hollow. Gather FREE pinstreats from various shoppes, homes and locals as you adventure through this autumn filled hollow. But beware, here there be dragons and other creatures both cute and sinister. Where will you explore first?
Haunted gilded dragons is part of another collaborative adventure brought to you by many of the same creators who brought you pintopia! Earn FREE pinstreats by backing our collaborative partners.
Coming to BackerskitPinners Hollow October 2024. Follow now if you dare, and claim your treats this Fall!
Will you brave the haunted cemetery?
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