Get Ready for OMENDROME: Exploitation Film Subjects for Mothership RPG
by Alewood Games
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A funding collaboration with Tuesday Knight Games and 20 other game designers for Mothership Month.
OMENDROME features various exploitation film subjects for Mothership players to find and record for a pirate shock-TV station. Follow the breadcrumbs given to you by your debauched patron, see the story for what it really is, and discover where your morals draw the line.
This 8.5"x8.5" zine is designed to be folded during gameplay. Players use the front coded messaging screen to spark their bounty investigation. The Warden uses the back notes to unleash the story's twisted truths. Will you let events naturally unfold and become an accomplice to their crimes or manipulate the circumstances and become the real monster? Take control of the narrative with your camera and shape the story any way you want. How far will you go for the big "O"?
Featuring haunting character profile art by Alex H. Cheng
Exclusive Mothership Month OMENDROME TV brand patches for backers who pledge within the first 48 hours!
Early Mockup
Exclusive SOLARACOM recruit patches for all OMENDROME backers if all participating Mothership Month campaigns successfully fund!
Early Mockup
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