Straight from the pages of Wondermark (and your most wonderful, happiness-filled dreams) comes this puzzle game about MAKING FRIENDS.
Rummage through a pile of parts to create your perfect friend. But in order to awaken, each friend must be perfectly crafted. Certain pieces must be bolted on first before others may be added. And of course, nothing will fit properly unless you use the proper rivets, screws, and bolts!
Your parts are limited and the clock is ticking as all players work on friends of their own. You only score points for awakened friends -- but you should probably cram a few more heads and legs on before you throw the final switch! Go for the "Starfish," "Noodle Arms" or "Pentahead" bonuses for extra points!
BOLTED is a weird and whimsical card game for 2–4 players that plays in about 30 minutes. From the creator of Wondermark and the games Machine of Death, TBH, Humblebrag, Keep it 100 and Lineup.