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Rocket your D&D 5E and Level Up: Advanced 5E games into space!
Alpha Star is a quarterly (print and PDF) magazine with science fiction content for your D&D 5E and Level Up A5E games. It's compatible with the core D&D rules and with A5E rules.
Alpha Star magazine expands the sci-fi content from the Voidrunner’s Codex. The Voidrunner's Codex Sci-Fi Box Setcontains rules for starships, space travel and exploration, starship combat, alien player options, psionic abilities and more!
In Issue 1
This crowdfunder is for Issue 1 of Alpha Star magazine. In Issue 1 you’ll find new archetypes, equipment, alien heritages, and more!
Makin' It In A Hostile Universe by Nathalie Nováková “Imagine living off someone else’s trash - life where safety and stability are luxuries - the gutter rats of Allavin 6 live in such a reality. Their lives are ruled by whichever gang currently dominates the area. Yet, do they not have something we lack? An ability to truly choose who they are without any societal restraints or expectations? On the other hand, think of the possibilities that they do not have - not dying of sepsis for one.”
New cultures and destinies for those who live off the scraps of others. The Flotsam and Yahtzee cultures are accompanied by the Survival and Prosperity destinies.
Tech Of Ill-Repute by Θεόδωρος Κακαβάς From the back alleys of sprawling metropolises to illegal dens of revelry, some technology is made for the more unscrupulous citizens of the universe. However, a good voidrunner is a resourceful voidrunner, and one can find interesting uses out of some less than reputable inventions. From credit skimmers to voice modulators, this street gear will help your voidrunner get by!
New Heritage:The Cat-Like Felans by Russ Morrissey Felans, unimaginatively named by the first human explorers to encounter them, are a cat-like heritage. Like their four-legged namesake, Felans are often beautiful to the eye, and move with a graceful, acrobatic purpose. Easily able to jump and climb, Felans like to make use of their environment, and tend to sleep in precarious locations high above the ground. Felans have a deserved reputation for being easily distracted, and often flit from career to career, unable to settle.
Bioengineer, Peacekeeper,& Phrenic Knight Archetypes by Andrew Engelbrite The Bioengineer holds a pinnacle of scientific progress, power over life itself. With designer seeds and biomass they can grow plant life like a sculptor shaping clay. The Peacekeeper wields force they pray they never have to use. Instead they use the authority of law and the threat of force to keep safety and order. The Phrenic Knight received no training, no discipline to curb their emotions and shield the world from their raw psionic wrath. Most psyknights, even untrained ones, learn to eventually control their power and curtail their outbursts. The Phrenic instead embraces them, their mind and body are one, both acting on impulse as a truly dangerous and unpredictable force of chaos.
Level Up and 5E
The Voidrunner's Codex is an expansion for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E). A5E is backwards compatible with D&D 5E, allowing you to use the Voidrunner's Codex along with your existing 5E rulebooks.
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