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Coming Soon - The Avatar of Aramil

by Legends of Athelu

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The Avatar of Aramil

The next adventure from the Legends of Athelu Studio

When the adventurers discover that an Avatar of the Eight—a veritable demigod—is refusing meetings with everyone but Aramil’s elves, they soon discover that not everything in this small hamlet is as it seems. As other restless pilgrims start to cause trouble, adventurers will need to prove themselves worthy of a meeting while navigating a situation rapidly spiraling out of control

The Avatar of Aramil is an adventure for 7-9th level characters. They will uncover many things about the Avatar and the Hamlet (tables of rumors provided) but one of particular interest is the Rite of Aramil - a blessing that the Avatar has been performing for the newly born children of the hamlet. This blessing is only bestowed to the children born female, creating another point of contention for the hamlet. 

The Avatar of Aramil takes 12-15 hours to complete. This adventure is more combat heavy than our last adventure (which was a mystery), but still focuses on the the three pillars of play. But be warned: the swamp holds ancient secrets and powerful creatures, and not all is as it seems in this idyllic elven sanctuary.

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The story will have the adventurers exploring Elderweed swamp, an inhospitable environment surrounding Aramil. They will be tasked with eliminating a threat to the hamlet, while also learning more about the history of the swamp and its inhabitants. 

The swamp attracts a number of powerful creatures due to the presence of a Ley line that traverses it and the standing stones atop the hills to the north. A Dark Druid claims the swamps as his home, having arrived here before Aramil was founded, and wishes for the settlers of Aramil to leave. A blight, which the locals call the wasting, is devastating the vegetation of the swamp and potentially the stability of the hamlet. The druid and the elves of Aramil know that an Ancient Hag once lived within the swamp and the Elves are still careful to not enter her old domain.

Four major Set Pieces have been provided where the story will devolve into combat. Battle maps are provided for each as well as detailed instruction on how the encounter is to be setup. These battles will pit the adventurers against brand new monsters as well as some new legendary variants of existing monsters. Magic Items have been created as rewards for each of these encounters, often harvested from the creature itself.

The Avatar does not seem concerned with the attitudes or opinions of the pilgrims that have come to visit her, focusing solely on the blessing she is providing to the children of the hamlet. The adventurers will need to interact with the people of the hamlet as well as the pilgrims while they hope to gain an audience with the Avatar. They will need to learn WHY the Avatar chose this location, and what her plans are. 

The more that they learn, the more they will question what is really happening within Elderweed swamp. Dark secrets are discovered along the way that point to something much more sinister happening. The adventurers will need to decide what to do with what they learn, and what it may mean for the very future of the elves and the hamlet!


This is a product made by humans for humans. No Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) tools have been used in the creation of the story or the artwork within this adventure. We support real writers and real artists and are proud to include the work of such talented professionals. 

Athelu Enterprises was founded by long-time gamer Sean Hook as an independent publisher and provider of publishing resources for the role playing game industry. Having almost 40 years of experience (mostly as a Forever DM), Sean has run many, many, games within a multitude of systems, but has always tweaked, modified and customized the rules or settings to deliver the desired affect. 

Legends of Athelu is the product line of self-produced, high-quality, ready to use titles for Dungeon Masters. The product line will include stand alone adventures, expansive story arcs and campaign settings. 

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