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Ink & Enamel - An enamel pin collection for readers and book lovers.

by The Snarky Company

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The Snarky Company is happy to announce our 8th crowdfunded pin collection: Ink & Enamel 

Ink & Enamel is a pin collection designed for readers, audiobook fans, and book lovers. While the owner of Snarky Co. is an avid reader of the romance genre, this campaign will have pins for readers of all genres. Ink & Enamel will be in collaboration with Backerkit and the upcoming Pintopia 2 project.

Free Sticker!

Sign up to receive notifications about this campaign and you'll receive a free 3" Bibliophile sticker with your pledge.

- 3"
- Vinyl Sticker
- matte finish
-dishwasher and microwave safe

We will have special early bird pledge levels, free bookmarks, and 2 free collaboration pins when you back both the Ink & Enamel pin collection, and Celestial a pin Collection by Carly | Mythic Mgmt.

Please note: The book designs in the above photo are solely for aesthetic purposes. No physical books will be sold during this campaign. 

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