Get Ready for The Han Cluster, an Optimistic Sci-Fi RPG for Savage Worlds
by Ede Sol Games
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The Han Cluster® RPG is a unique sci-fi roleplaying game designed for the Savage Worlds system. It combines danger, social intrigue, and alien mystery with human connection and optimism. Humanity has discovered a phenomenon called the Nex which has opened up new technology, and granted us amazing transhuman powers that redefine the tropes of the traditional role-playing game. But along with the Nex has appeared a mysterious mind-altering "virus" called the Blinding which threatens to destroy all sapient life in human space.
In addition to digital rewards, and a bunch of planned stretch goals, the full Han Cluster RPG includes the following components.
You can try the Han Cluster right now! The jumpstart is available on DriveThruRPG, featuring everything you need to play, along with an amazing cluster-hopping adventure. It's designed to introduce you to the most iconic aspect of the setting, including X-Ghosts, X-Bonding, Ghost Traveling and more, all while on a high stakes mission to save millions of lives! Get it now! You can also watch an actual play of the jumpstart on the Adventures in Lollygagging YouTube channel. The year is 2653. A long, somewhat tenuous peace between the civilizations of Earth and its distant colony on the planet Edenic has reigned for well over 300 years. New planets have been discovered, remarkable technology developed, and despite immense challenges, we’ve managed to overcome some of our greatest socio-political struggles.
We’ve also unlocked a strange phenomenon called the Nex, which gave us all blue glowing auras along with transhuman abilities we never could have dreamed of. Meanwhile, an increasing number of robots have mysteriously “Linked” to the Nex as well, somehow granting them true sapience as they’ve joined us on our journey. But along with all these amazing discoveries has emerged a strange new threat...
The Blinding
About 60 years ago, people started losing their ability to see Nex auras in color. It was slow and gradual, happening over 50 years, but today, almost everyone in human space, including newborns and even Linked robots, see Nex auras as colorless, like the glow of a white ghost. This phenomenon came to be called the Blinding, and no one could explain it. Still a few extremely rare individuals called Vivids were immune to the effect. They could still see the blue auric color of everyone around them. They are the only ones who recognize a change that's come over human space. In the last ten years, there’s been a slow, almost imperceptible shift in the behavior of those who've been Blinded. General tension, intolerance, anger and paranoia are on the rise, and a civilization that had embraced kindness, empathy and peace now seems subtly driven to stoke the fires of irrational conflict. The Vivids seem to be the only ones who can recognize this shift. Something is very wrong, and most everyone else seems unable to see it. The Blinded have not only lost their ability to see auric color, they've become blinded to reality! And its getting worse.
We Need Heroes
You are among the precious Vivids who can see still see Nex auras in color. But you also sense that the Blinding is still happening, and it's a much greater threat than people realize. Being able to recognize it is one thing. Having the bravery to do something about it is another. You’ll need to gather allies, unite communities, fight enemies, discover long-hidden secrets, and even confront the most terrifying horrors behind the Blinding itself to prevent everything humanity has accomplished from falling into ruin.
Heroes can emerge from anywhere... Do you have the courage to become one?
NOTE:Han Cluster requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play, and though not required, the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion is recommended.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
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