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Get Ready for ANTIQUITY - An enamel pin collection

by Windy & Wallflower

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Here we are again, creating yet ANOTHER set of myth pins. You'd think I'd learn.
This project is aimed to pair down my original GREEK MYTHOLOGY pin set. That thing was a huge beast to create, to maintain and... (I'm sure) to collect!

I'll be updating this project page as I make the designs and we get the prototypes in from our manufacturer so you get to really see how this particular group of pins is going to look like.

This project is also a part of PINTOPIA again... and partnering with my buddy: MYCORRHIZA (<click to check out their page) which means if you back this project AND their project you'll get a freebie from BOTH of us.

Pretty sweet deal.
(The two of us are also working with my personal partner, VAMPIREHARPY and their pin-partner, FAIRYLOGUE PRESS on something special for backing all 4 of our projects.... there might even be MORE surprises in store as we all chat and conspire and create our pins hehehe)

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