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Get Ready for In Roaring She Shall Rise: An icy pirate dark epic fantasy

by Vanessa Perry

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In Roaring She Shall Rise

As a warrior, Ellyrie is loyal to two people in her life, her brother and the king. But her life changes when she’s betrayed by her brother, forced to murder him. The king grants her mercy—and the promise of freedom—in exchange for killing the feared kraken. Yet Ellyrie’s confrontation with the monster forces her to confront that her loyalties may not lie with the right forces. And if she wants to right the wrongs of her past and stop a plot that threatens the fate of her kingdom, she will have to do the one thing harder than confronting her king—trusting others, even after being betrayed by those closest to her.

Ellyrie had never felt such loneliness and sorrow. She drowned in it.

A Dark, Epic Fantasy

"In Roaring She Shall Rise" is a dark and epic high fantasy featuring pirates sailing an Arctic-like sea. Ellyrie can be likened to The Mother of Kraken. It's a character-driven novel (first of a series) that focuses on the complexities of the human experience while challenging the dichotomous thinking that we tend to favor. There will be lots of adventure with huge stakes, fantastical creatures, and magic that blurs the lines between gifts and curses.

More Info Soon

Soon, I will have character art to share! Also, in the coming months, I will update this page with cover reveals, my progress, and more! I plan to launch with my book completely finished so that there will not be much wait time between the campaign ending and the books/items shipping. 

The Kraken by Lord Tennyson (1830)

Below the thunders of the upper deep,
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge sea worms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

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