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The Tabletop Tome of Travelers - A Book of 5E Player Options

by Tabletop Gaming Center

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Greetings fellow travelers!

We here at Tabletop Gaming Center are gearing up to launch our flagship project! Within these pages of this publication you will find a plethora of new subclasses, species, and spells shall become available for players to enjoy! So before you set out on your next mighty quest, make sure to grab your friends and fellow travelers and pick up your copy of the Tabletop Tome of Travelers!

Experience 4 brand new subclasses for each of the 12 original classes! Each bringing their own unique flavor and features to your game. With each subclass option you'll also find a batch of questions to help inspire your character's heroic (or perhaps villainous) backstory.
Manipulate the fabric of time with the Bardic College of Memories.
Bring your characters to life with the new range of playable races provided for you within this tome! Create an original character that will catch the attention of any townsfolk that may lay eyes upon them and show them that adventurers come in all shapes, sizes and species. 
Rise to the occasion with your Myconid character.

Amaze your peers with powerful new spells! Discover iconic magic and utilize it to bend the will of the world around you to your own. There are new spells to be found from simple parlor tricks to reality altering rituals, all of which lie at your fingertips.
Never find yourself alone and undefended when you cast Find Greater Familiar.

The Tabletop Tome of Travelers contains a guaranteed 48 fully play-tested character subclass options,  11 new player species options, and even 20 new spells.  All of which have been designed for player's enjoyment in accordance with the 5E SRD found within the Creative Commons.

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