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John Sikking

I first started playing after I read an article on a new game called Dungeons & Dragon - the art hooked me instantly as did the fantasy genre.  I bought the Basic version of D&D and tried to convince my friends to play.  This put me in the role of the Dungeon Master for much of that time (4th grade through high school), it was not until I went to college and met more like-minded folks that I was able to engage in regular play.  I was always a bit too shy to play in tournaments, and in my early years I was more of a roll versus role player, but my four years of college and a few years after college role-playing was consistently part of my life.  Much of the time was spent on solo activities - creating adventures and reading adventures.  In my mid to late 20s until turned 50 I had stepped away from the hobby and concentrated on work and family.  Then about three or so years ago, I got back into the material hoping to bring my children the same joy I had experienced The internet has helped a lot and  I found Running the Game and many more interesting YouTube creators who were advancing the hobby.   I'm so happy to support MCDM and their vision of the game.


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