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Kasian Wick

Hello, my name is Kasian Wick I am originally born and raised from Utah I've always had an obsession with movies to the point where it was annoying, I remember when I was really young, I wrote movie reviews I even had a website and everything. As I got older, I started breaking down what I loved about movies and realized it's the story, so I started writing my own screen plays and I had a lot of fun with them. But then one day as I was writing my next screen play, I realized I do what Stephen King does and put myself in the stories that's when I realized "If I keep writing things for myself why don't I try auditioning for things" Once I had that thought everything changed because now, I wasn't just writing stories I was acting in them and I was pretty good too. BUT then tragedy struck for me My mother passed away in October 2021 and since then I have been wandering trying to find my purpose in this world, I took a year break from Acting and just focused on my mental health I started group therapy, and I didn't like it because it was on Zoom but also, I was the only male in the room. I felt like everywhere I went I didn't belong I would watch movies about grief and none of them just hit right I didn't feel seen but then I had this ingenious idea that what if there was a movie that EVERYONE could connect with that's when I came up with "Group" "A story where five people realize they have more in common than just their parents death" I truly believe deeply in my heart that this could be a film that could change the world I vision people who are on their last leg of life and they decide to watch Group and by the end they connect with some character and they realize it's ok that death is just the beginning of a new story for you.


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