user avatar image for Anonymiss


Domestic Goddess 
My life is mine to enjoy. 
Playing tabletop games from our 500+ game library
•  Painting miniatures
 Platform gaming *pew pew*
•  Proud mom of 80ish       houseplants, many exotic
•  Master of Fire- BBQ and smoking delicious food
Gourmet Chef and purveyor of international spices/herbs
. Watching recorded court proceedings shenanigans on the YouTube
•  Collector of oddities and darker side of things
 Paranormal enthusiast and investigator

Fun Fact!
We bought a home that, unbeknownst to us at the time, is haunted AF. A previous owner was bludgeoned to death with a sledgehammer and the murder is unsolved to this day. Then, the next owner’s brother was living here in exchange for remodeling the home. When he finished they put the house on the market. Sadly, he passed of a self inflicted shotgun to the head. House went off market to clean up, Then back on the market and we bought it a week later. My # rule was to have no previous deaths in the house. They lied. Then my ex husband unalived himself and wasn’t found until a couple weeks later. My daughter went out of state to the funeral, and returned with everything that was in his room when he died. She brought it into this house! Now we have a ghostly 3’s Company situation. The original hardwood floors are still here, complete with the blood of these souls. 


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