Since 1988 we've been serving the North Oakland community weekly doses of comic books and board games. Stop by to enjoy our amazing selection of comics and graphic novels from every genre imaginable, staff tested and approved board games for your party needs and more!
Can't find what you're looking for? Our enthusiastic, expert staff are always happy to help guide you with recommendations, item locations, even book delay lamentations!
If you have any questions, please give us a call 7 days a week.
Dr Comics & Mr Games
4014 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
1-510-601-7800 (phone)
4014 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
1-510-601-7800 (phone)
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @drcomicsmrgames
Store Hours:
Monday 11:00 – 6:00
Tuesday 11:00 – 2:00
Wednesday 11:00 – 6:00
Thursday 11:00 – 6:00
Friday 11:00 – 6:00
Saturday 11:00 – 6:00
Sunday 11:00 – 5:00
Backed projects this year
10 pledges away from 2025 Star Backer