Software Engineer | Project Manager (seeking employment)
Poly Pansexual Male (He/Him)
Eclectic Wiccan/Shaman
Virtual and in-person Tabletop Roleplayer (GM/player)
Wargamer (Historical, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave)
TTRPG Playtester / Contributor
Miniature painter
Poly Pansexual Male (He/Him)
Eclectic Wiccan/Shaman
Virtual and in-person Tabletop Roleplayer (GM/player)
Wargamer (Historical, Horus Heresy, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave)
TTRPG Playtester / Contributor
Miniature painter
Backed project this year
9 pledges away from 2025 Star Backer