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Outgunned Adventure

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The Cinematic Action RPG Outgunned is BACK! Here's your chance to grab all the original books, and the new standalone genre book Outgunned Adventure.

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Latest from the Creator
Two Little Mice
18 days ago
The Assistant Director is here (also Passports & World Map!)
Greetings, Adventurers! Today we are sending out the last PDFs for Outgunned Adventure: the Passports, the World Map, and most importantly the Assistant Director booklet, de...
Two Little Mice
about 2 months ago
Free League, Alchemy, and Fulfillment Update!
Greetings Adventurers! A lot of news for you today :) First of all, you'll be THRILLED (as us!) to know that 2LM teamed up with Free League to produce Outgunned and Outgu...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
ACTION FLICKS 2 now available!
Greetings, Adventurers! You'll be thrilled to know that ACTION FLICKS 2 ...
Two Little Mice
3 months ago
Fulfillment Update
Greetings, Adventurers! You will be happy to...
Two Little Mice
4 months ago
FALL OF ATLANTIS now available!
Greetings, Adventurers! We have a lot of news today, so seat back and enjoy the update-ride! FALL OF ATLANTIS IS HERE The introductory Cinematic Campaign for Outgunned ...
Two Little Mice
4 months ago
Outgunned Adventure 1.0 + Additional Art
Greetings, Adventurers! Today we just updated Outgunned Adventure to v. 1.0, so go back to your DrivethruRPG account and download the latest version of OGA right away! Thank...
The world out there is full of unexplored jungles, lost pyramids, and cursed temples that are just waiting for an unprepared explorer to slip up. Collapsing floors, creaky bridges, poisoned darts, fire jets, and rolling boulders... You can expect all that, and even more.

But if I know you, and I’ve seen my fair share of people like you, a few obstacles and a handful of deadly traps won’t be enough to stop you.
Pack your bag and grab your hat.
Gather your maps, and take your pistol too, for good measure. There’s no turning back now.

Outgunned Adventure is a Pulp Adventure game inspired by the classics of the genre, from the immortal Indiana Jones, to The Mummy (1999). In Outgunned Adventure, the Players take on the role of brave Adventurers in search for an invaluable treasure.

Outgunned Adventure is the first Genre Book in the Outgunned Line, and you can play it either standalone or as an expansion for Outgunned.

Are you new to Outgunned?

Outgunned is a cinematic action rpg inspired by the classics of the action and heist genre, from Die Hard to True Lies, passing through James Bond, Atomic Blonde, Kingsman, Ocean’s Eleven, Hot Fuzz, and the latest John Wick. In Outgunned you play as a group of Heroesstruggling against a Villain to try and save the day. Always outnumbered. Always outgunned.

Outgunned is powered by a set of highly cinematic game mechanics called Director's Cut. The system uses small pools of six-sided dice to determine the outcome of all tasks that involve a risk or a danger. When rolling dice in Outgunned, your goal isn’t to roll the highest or lowest possible total, but to combine as many equal symbols as you can in pairs, three-of-a-kind, and so on.
Outgunned custom dice can enhance your experience, but are NOT required to play!

You can download a free 70-page QUICKSTART GUIDE today to try out the game before backing the project.