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Household - Welcome to the Garden

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Saddle your mouse, grab your trusty scissor, and get ready to discover the Garden! Household Volume II is the highly anticipated sequel expansion for the Household RPG.

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Two Little Mice
about 2 months ago
Pledge Manager & Pre-Order Store now OPEN!
Dearest littlings, Today we're finally opening the Pledge Manager and the Pre-Order Store, and we're also sending out the original Household PDFs... So please have a seat...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
Dearest littlings, This will be a very short update, but we really wanted to thank you one last time for the unbelievable amount of love that you showed us in the past weeks...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
How is it even possible that you already managed to unlock yet another Stretch Goal is beyond us! We're about to enter our FINAL LIVE STREAM so this will be an extremely qui...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
500.000 - A small step for a littling...
A small step for a littling, but a giant leap for an Italian RPG! Thanks to you, Household is the first (of hopefully many) Italian RPGs to break the half a million barrier...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
LAST 6 HOURS - Record: Broken!
And that's a NEW ITALIAN RECORD! Thanks to your outstanding support, our tiny little game is now the highest funding Italian RPG of all time, on any platform. That's a big s...
Two Little Mice
2 months ago
LAST 11 HOURS: Arcadia the Fallen City
With still 11 hours to go, unlocking the Fallen City of Arcadia was barely a challenge for you, brave littlings. Now entering it (especially if you cannot fly) and explore ...

Household Volume II is a great expansion for the Household RPG.

This book will expand the world of the game, opening the door to the Garden and introducing new Little Folk as well as other creatures of all shapes and sizes. You will be able to visit the Fountain where the legendary Battle of Quillwaters took place, Bramble Town where the Boggarts found refuge during their time in exile, and even the Stump of the Dèndronaos Treeand the distant Shogunate of the Silver Blade in the Backyard.

Household is a Roleplaying Game about Littlings, little folks living grand-tiny adventures in a big abandoned House. Set in a regency-like era, 100 years after the disappearance of the Master, Household features an immersive lore that takes players into a unique setting.

Household Volume II will also introduces new Folks, additional mechanics tied to the changing Seasons, new Colossal Opponents that are completely out of scale for all littlings, and much more!

Household Volume II will also introduce 2 new Animal Companions for all Animal Handlers. These creatures are rather unique both in their appearance and behavior, and just as commonplace in the Garden as they are exotic in the eyes of the good littlings from the House.

  • The Moth: The nocturnal moth is an elegant and prudent companion, much appreciated especially by the Fae of the Seelie and the Shinigami from the Backyard.

  • The Frog: Frogs and toadlets of all shapes and sizes are placid and sturdy companions who prefer to live in the areas surrounding the Fountain and the Rushes, but are equally common throughout the Outhold.

Finally, Household Volume II will bring 3 additional Vocations for each of the existing Profession, and a brand new Profession: the Wayfarer

Out there in the Garden, there are truly terrifying creatures, and I’m not talking about the recluse spiders, the zealot praying mantises, and the absentminded sparrows who mistake littlings like us for meaty worms, but about the truly out-of-scale, huge, and ferocious beasts who claim the Garden as their hunting grounds.

In Household Volume II you will meet huge beasts covered in fur, feathers, or scales, creatures so terrifyingly large that they could use Bismilla as a belt. But you will also find rules and tips on how to best “deal with” these creatures, or at least give it an educated try. In all confidence, if I were you, I’d do my best to steer clear of such beasts!