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I Love/Hate Everything - The Party Game for Opinionated People

by Teenie Tiny Tiki Games

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You have opinions.
Your friends have opinions.
Now put them to the test!

I Love/Hate Everything tests how well you know your friends, and how well they know you!

The fun twist on a familiar game mechanic makes each round unique and appeals to both gamers and non-gamers.

I Love/Hate Everything is the perfect choice for breaking the ice, making new friends, or learning more about the people around you. 
Here are some photos of a prototype game. Production version might be a little different.

I Love/Hate Everything is easy to learn and play- It's for parties, after all.

There are two decks of cards-
Item Cards (Stuff that people might Love or Hate) and
Emotion Cards (Love or Hate).

The Dealer deals 5 Item Cards to each player, then draws an Emotion Card (Love or Hate) which sets the goal for the round.
The other players then choose the Item Card in their hand that they think the Dealer Loves or Hates and place it face down in the center of the table.

The Dealer considers these cards then reveals them countdown style from the Least to Most Loved or Hated.

The Player who submitted the MOST Loved or Hated card WINS that round and gets to keep the Emotion Card as their trophy. Yay for them!

The deal moves to the next player and continues.

The first player to collect 5 Emotion Cards WINS THE GAME!

I Love/Hate Everything was created during the fun, heady days of the global pandemic. Remember those times? Crazy, huh? My wife and I, along with our quarantine bubble friends made the somewhat rash decision to try and make our own card game. That resulted in Dog Catcher, the card game and our first successful Kickstarter (Thanks everyone!)

During that time, I discovered that I really liked thinking up new games and started compiling a folder of my ideas. I noticed that people seemed to throw around the words Love and Hate pretty easily, usually about really simple things. You know, I Love cilantro, I Hate these shoes, that sort of thing. Everyone I knew had really strong opinions about everything. This gave me the idea for a party game based on these strong opinions about often mundane stuff.  And so, as they say, Voila! I Love/Hate Everything was born.

The first prototype arrived on the same day as the first Dog Catcher prototype, and everyone loved the game. But we were really focused on Dog Catcher. So I Love/Hate Everything went to sit on a shelf.

Fast forward a few years and everyone is back to work full time except for me (I’m a gig worker) and it seems like our game making days are over. Then at a party last year, my friend asked me to get the old prototype out for everyone to play. 

After a little bit of digging, I Love/Hate Everything came off the shelf. We played a few rounds, everyone loved the game, and I decided to take a second dive into the world of making games.

Months of play testing with friends and acquaintances grew into play test parties at local breweries, coffee shops, and our local game club. Through all this, the game went through several revisions and now, here we are again - Kickstarting!

Please consider backing us if you:
  • Love anything
  • Hate anything
  • Have opinions
  • Like games at all!

Thanks in advance for being opinionated, playing games, and helping us launch I Love/Hate Everything.

And please remember-
Leave the HATE in the game
Keep the LOVE in your life.


This is an estimated timeline only. We will do our best to stay on target, but manufacturing delays, freight issues, government challenges, weather, and many other things can affect this estimate.

In general our plan is:
JUNE: Crowdfunding ends and we place the final order with the manufacturer,
JULY - SEPT: Games are made and the long shipping journey begins.
OCT:  Fulfillment begins and you get your games! Yay!

Shipping is charged after the campaign.
Shipping costs vary by location. Plan refer to the above map for an estimate of what your shipping cost may be.

Every crowdfunding campaign comes with its own challenges. But we successfully fulfilled a previous campaign and are confident that we can get you a game that you will enjoy playing AND proudly display on your game shelf. I Love/Hate Everything is already a complete and functional game. We have made full prototypes with different manufacturers and are comfortable with that process and confident that we can ramp up to full production with few hiccups.

Once this campaign ends, we will submit the final print files and begin production. While we cannot guarantee that there will be no manufacturing issues, we are partnered with a very large and successful manufacturer, so we have hopefully minimized that risk. Freight delays, import and duty issues, and even simple accidents are certainly possible risks. We are also using a large and experienced fulfillment partner to help streamline that part of the process.
In short, we have done all that we can think of to make sure that you will get your game(s) and add-ons in a timely manner. That said, please understand that our timeline is only an estimate. 

As you are probably aware, the incoming administration in the US has threatened significant changes in tariffs.

Although the future is unwritten, Teenie Tiny Tiki Games intends to hold the line regarding tariffs during our pre-launch period. If you make a pledge during the pre-launch, we will honor that pledge no matter what happens with tariffs after the change in administration.

After the change in administration, Pledge levels may change. But rest assured, your original pledge will be honored.

After the campaign is over, we cannot issue refunds. If you have any concerns, you can reach us at [email protected] or simply comment on the campaign. We will get back to you as soon as we can. 
Your pledge MUST be confirmed within 2 weeks of our pledge manager email to you. If you do not confirm your pledge at this time, you agree that Teenie Tiny Tiki Games has fulfilled its obligation to you, and your pledge will become a donation. After the 6-week window, it might still be possible to have your game shipped, based on availability. If our only choice is to ship the game to you from a region other than your own, you will take full responsibility for the costs associated with that shipment. It is the backer's responsibility to provide us with the correct shipping address and to ensure it is deliverable by typical methods of shipping before address changes close in our pledge manager. 

Backers who have provided an expired address, a P.O. address, or incorrect addresses will be charged shipping a second time to get their game to you. You may request a refund instead. But please know that the Kickstarter and pledge manager fees will not be refunded. Also, we reserve the right to sell our games at any point through the production and fulfilment process. We will always make every attempt to get our games to you on time and before they go to retail. 

If you have any issues with your final production copy of I Love/Hate Everything please contact us at [email protected].


Easy to Learn:
With straightforward rules, you’ll be starting your first round in minutes.

For (Almost) Everyone:
Recommended for ages 14 and up. There are cards about work and dating that might not have any relevance for younger players. There is no violent, salacious, or obscene content in the game. (We’re saving that for expansion packs)

Quick and Flexible:
Each game takes 20 to 90 minutes, depending on your group’s size and mood.

Designed for 3 to 10 players, ensuring everyone gets a chance to shine.

I Love/Hate Everything
is a journey into the heart of what brings us together – and sets us apart. Whether you’ve known the other players all your life or you’re just getting acquainted, prepare for an unforgettable adventure into the world of opinions.

Teenie Tiny Tiki Games
invites you to be part of the laughter, the debates, and the joy of discovering each other’s Loves and Hates! Get ready to share, shout, and celebrate the opinions that make each of us uniquely fascinating.

I Love/Hate Everything
The Party Game for Opinionated People

Leave the Hate in the Game, 
Keep the Love in your Life

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