Pledge Levels
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Choose your own Adventurer!
2 remaining
You are the Adventure. We will use a Art reference of your choice for one of the 4 adventurer cards as well as sending one of a kind singed Holographic Versions of the Hero you helped create!
Includes 13 items
×4Base Game
×44 painted Adventurer Minis
×1Signed Numbed Holo Adventurer
×48 Custom Molded Dice (set)
Art Connoisseur
28 remaining
You give us a Art reference to use on one of the Monster cards!
Includes 5 items
×2Base Game
×24 painted Adventurer Minis
×18 Custom Molded Dice (set)
35 Backers
Welcome to the DuelGeon! - with 154 cards, 9 dice, and 8 cubes you will have everything you need to take on the monsters, minibosses and other adventures lurking within the ruins!
Includes 1 item
×1Base Game