Pledge Levels

Back this project by selecting a pledge level

A Show of Solidarity (No Reward, Just Vibes)

A Show of Solidarity (No Reward, Just Vibes)

10 Backers
You're here to enjoy the ride, cruising this new, changing age without any of this capitalist, buy-in nonsense. The shining brilliance of your personality is payment enough, isn't it? No rewards are available for this tier, but you could change your mind at ANY MOMENT, even after the campaign is over, with your access to the post-campaign pledge manager.


3 Backers
The PDF of Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book. A simple upgrade of the preview PDF with full content included, because you like to know what you're getting. PLEASE NOTE: No physical extras are available for pledges tiers without physical rewards.

Includes 1 item

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
Guerilla Rewilder

Guerilla Rewilder

3 Backers
The digital PDF of the Why We Fight: Core Book! That base game goodness all in a handy digital, screen-reader accessible format. Please note: No physical extras are available for pledges tiers without physical rewards.

Includes 1 item

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)


Bronze Bundle: Digital Destabiliser

Bronze Bundle: Digital Destabiliser

33 Backers
Both the Why We Fight Core Book and Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book PDFs, bundled with all the unlocked 'One-Shot Adventure' PDFs! Please note: No physical extras are available for pledges tiers without physical rewards.

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📜 All Unlocked 'One-Shot Adventure' PDFs


3 Backers
Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book in both physical A5 tree-forged glory and its digital PDF counterpart! Retails at £18. Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 2 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5 Paperback)
Learn More
Rebel Regenerator

Rebel Regenerator

4 Backers
Both PDFs of the Core Book and Direct Action Quickstart Book, and the physical A5 copy of the Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book! Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5 Paperback)


Silver Bundle: Revolutionary Idealist

Silver Bundle: Revolutionary Idealist

9 Backers
The physical tree-forged A5 book of the Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book, plus both the Core Book and Direct Action Quickstart Book PDFs, every unlocked One-Shot Adventure PDF, and our beautiful set of dice, stickers and the Community Alliance patch! Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 7 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5 Paperback)
  • ×1
    📜 All Unlocked 'One-Shot Adventure' PDFs
  • ×1
    🎲 Special Edition Six Sided Set
Solarpunk Visionary

Solarpunk Visionary

10 Backers
Solarpunk to the core, you're in for the long haul. None of this one-shot pre-made stuff, it's all about the chance to explore a new world, and take our time making it into the best of all potentials. The Why We Fight Core Book, in A4 tree-forged exceptionalism, plus the PDF for free! Retails at £28. Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 2 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📙 Why We Fight - Core Book (A4 Hardback)
Solarpunk Freedom Fighter

Solarpunk Freedom Fighter

9 Backers
You're here for the main event, no distractions. You've got the focus and dedication needed to help make a better future, regardless of shiny extras. The physical copy duo of the A4 Why We Fight Core Book and the A5 Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book, with both PDFs included for free! Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 4 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5 Paperback)
  • ×1
    📙 Why We Fight - Core Book (A4 Hardback)


Gold Bundle: Solarpunk Restructurist (All-In)

Gold Bundle: Solarpunk Restructurist (All-In)

48 Backers
All In, baby! Show me the ultimate Why We Fight experience! Both Why We Fight physical books with their PDFs included for free, but also the dice, stickers, character sheet tear-out booklet, and every unlocked One-Shot Adventure! Please note: Shipping will be charged after the campaign in addition to the pledge cost!

Includes 8 items

  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    💾 Why We Fight - Core Book (PDF)
  • ×1
    📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5 Paperback)
  • ×1
    📙 Why We Fight - Core Book (A4 Hardback)
  • ×1
    📜 All Unlocked 'One-Shot Adventure' PDFs


1 Backer
10 copies of Why We Fight: Direct Action Quickstart Book at 50% RRP, only available to be sent to a retail or distribution business. Shipping to UK, EU and US will be VAT free. Email us after pledging at [email protected] for custom orders, or for any multiple of 10 you can just back extra amounts of the same tier before or after the campaign!

Includes 1 item

  • ×1
    📦📕 Why We Fight: Direct Action - Quickstart Book (A5) Retailer Box (10 copies)
CORE BOOK - RETAIL TIER (Community Inspiration)

CORE BOOK - RETAIL TIER (Community Inspiration)

1 Backer
4 copies of Why We Fight: Core Book at 50% RRP, only available to be sent to a registered retail or distribution business. Shipping to UK, EU and US will be VAT free. Email us after pledging at [email protected] for custom orders, or for any multiple of 4 you can just back extra amounts of the same tier before or after the campaign!

Includes 1 item

  • ×1
    📦📙 Why We Fight - Core Book (A4) Retailer Box (4 copies)