Alesia Gitter
1 day ago

Project Update: Surveys Sent + Making Shopify Things

Shopify Orders from Surveys
Getting through these as I can so they can be printed and mailed once they arrive. I still have to order the freebie keychains but I will be doing that tonight or tomorrow. I saw some people going to my site probably wondering what they were receiving, so figured I should just make a post about it.

I won't be charging cards until things arrive so you can relax and ignore the Shopify emails for the moment. Those are mostly for my ease of organization. If you backed other projects you probably know the drill anyways, but for those who are new to me don't panic. <3

Sticker Status
Cat stickers should be in next week but anyone waiting on the freebie keychains won't receive their orders until those arrive. I will set aside your items with your printed backerkit paper in the meantime.

Failed Payments & Surveys
Please make sure you fill out your surveys when you get a moment. If you have a failed payment I think you still have time to correct it? Don't quote me on that. I don't really chase people down for that so I trust you'll fix it if you want to.

Anyways happy Tuesday! ^_^




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