Reforged RPG Game Demo (DigitalCopy) Download link below! + Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked!
Reforged RPG Tome of Rules and Character Creation App

Reforged RPG Tome of Rules and Character Creation App

Reforged RPG is a fully playtested, fully adaptable TTRPG system with 24 years of development. Our characters are completely skill based, not limited by classes and every species is playable! Come play who and what you want with rules that make sense!
$27,065 🎉
of $10,000 (USD) goal

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What is Reforged RPG?

Reforged RPG brings you a veteran, playtested system to run your Tabletop Role-Playing Games. Tired of having arguments at the table about game balance? Tired of playing the same limited characters? We were, so we set out to create the most comprehensive tabletop gaming system ever. We spent 24 years and over 10,000 hours playtesting our system to bring you a better way to run your games.

                             Reforged RPG Game Demo

Click here for a simplified version of the rules and a demo of gameplay

It is time to play with a system that makes sense. 

Reforged Role-Playing Games is a fully adaptable tabletop role-playing system that supports ANY setting, campaign, and character. This is an entirely skill-based game where characters are not limited by classes. Your characters grow and adapt based on the situations and encounters they experience over long-term play.


This massive (near 600 Page) Tome weighs over 5lbs and contains everything a Player or Storyteller needs to run their game. This universal character creation system is applied to PCs and NPCs alike.

Inside the Tome of Rules:
  • The Lexicon: 600+ balanced character skills for Combat, Diplomacy, Crafting and Magic
  • The Divine Canon: a Pantheon of 38 deities, each granting nearly 400 unique Divine Blessings
  • The Grimoire: 400+ balanced Sorcery & Ritual Spells
  • The Species Attribute section: 400+ balanced Natural and Supernatural abilities
  • The Apotheosis Path System: Characters can undergo Divine Transformations or Genetically Manipulated Metamorphosis
  • The Storyteller Mimesis: comprehensive rules for Magic, Environmental Effects, Status Effects, Worldbuilding, Game Balance and more 

Our app supports Android devices and Windows 11 PC. An iOS version is one of our stretch goals. You can create characters and track their growth from game to game. You can click an ability, and its entry in the Tome will appear. The entire program is pre-loaded with the Tome of Rules. The app also has a unique Creature Codex that is pre-loaded with 400+ species stats for quick PC and NPC creation.

We designed the app to take up as little storage space as possible. The core application takes up less than 15 MB and works entirely OFFLINE. There are NO Ads or In-app Purchases and the App DOES NOT collect any of your personal data and report it to us in ANY way. What you do with your game is your business. 

Plus, it does the math for you. 

We are NOT offering pre-written adventure modules or world books in our first crowd-funding campaign. 

We ARE offering a set of TESTED rules for your homebrew campaigns. After 24 years of testing with over 135 playtesters globally, we contend that this system can handle ANY setting and ALL campaigns - from bargaining with backyard pixies to fighting leviathans from beyond the stars. We have stress-tested it all, and kept the gameplay in balance. You can play a divine spirit hanging with a bunch of hairy-footed near-human farmers. You can build a perpetual-motion machine that propels you through time. You can take your character from level 1-100+, from human to undead dragon, and from peasant to king. That is what this system IS. 

Robust Crafting Rules

Reforged RPG uses only two dice: a d10 and a d100. The d100 is used for all Skill checks, while the d10 is used for all Challenge rolls. 

In Reforged, you don't roll for Damage. Successful Defense Skill checks, such as parrying or dodging, mitigate the amount of damage received. The effectiveness of your character's actions equals their Skill Score total. Combat in Reforged is fast, brutal, and often unpredictable. PCs and NPCs can Overcharge their skill checks. By "gambling" AutoFail, they can increase their power when taking down a particularly deadly opponent. This High Risk, High Reward mechanic puts the power in the dice and creates dramatic moments each round.

Play as any Species appropriate to your campaign.

Roleplay follows the same Skill Check rules as Combat. Using these simple and fast mechanics creates collaborative storytelling and focused, rewarding gameplay. 

Instead of playing a character hemmed in by class limitations and archetypes, each character purchases individual skills based on their campaign needs. For example, your party may need to craft a magical sword. One character may purchase the skills to mine and smelt the ore, another may gather magical components and perform enchantments, while yet another forges the blade in its final form. The game mechanics reward specialization and cooperation so that items created by a group working synergistically are often more powerful than what could be made on your own. This is echoed in every aspect of the game, from diplomacy to item creation and more.

The Tome of Rules has fully-playtested, comprehensive rules for the entire Reforged system. All game mechanics are centralized in one 500+ page book. It covers Social and Combat Encounters, Magic (Sorcery and Ritual), Crafting, Environmental Effects, and Character Tutorials (Building, Customisation, and Growth). It also has a lengthy Storyteller Guide for Worldbuilding and Game Balance.

The Character Creation App serves as a "character sheet" for PCs and NPCs. All the rules for the game are coded into the app for fast and easy reference. The App calculates your skill totals and helps you keep track of everything as your character grows. 

The App has NO in-app purchases, NO advertising, and collects NO personal data. It saves your character and campaign information locally on your device. Your information is your business.

When we set out to create the most comprehensive tabletop gaming system ever, we kept two things in mind;

  1. Create a balanced and flexible system that allows storytellers and players to use the same rules, no matter the species or level

  1. Create a balanced and flexible Magic and Crafting system that makes sense from top to bottom.

With a community of 135 playtesters working together since 2000, we know Reforged works. Come join our playtesters on Discord,  and let us help bring your campaign world to life.  


Pledge Levels

$50 - Playtester PDF and App 
The Tome of Rules includes all the core mechanics and character creation rules for Players and Storytellers. The PDF is full color, fully-illustrated, and fully-adaptable to any campaign world. The Character Creation App serves as your character sheet and skill total calculator. This bundle is $50.  

$135 - Paragon Hardcover
This pledge tier includes the rulebook in hardcover. This massive tome is over 5lbs! Nearly 600 full-color pages include all the rules for Players and Storytellers. This pledge level also includes the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App. This bundle is $135.

$155 - Apotheosis Path Limited Edition Hardcover
This pledge tier includes a "special" rulebook in hardcover for collectors. Due to a mishap at the printers, these copies were sent to us before final edits were completed. These copies have a few spelling errors and print errors in them. These limited editions will be signed and will include a personalized thank you from our design team. They will also include Behind-the-Scenes journal entries, pictures, and other scrapbook memorabilia from over 24 years of playtesting. This pledge level also includes a corrected copy of the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App.  This bundle is $155.

$250 - Collectors’ Limited Edition Hardcover
The same Tome of Rules in hardcover from the Paragon Tier but with laser engraved leather dust jacket. These limited editions will be signed and will include a personalized thank you from our design team. This pledge level also includes the Tome of Rules in PDF and Kindle formats, as well as a copy of the Character Creation App. This bundle is $250.

$1000 - Enlightened Playtester
This pledge tier includes everything from the Collectors' Limited Edition Hardcover Tier. It's also a seat at the table. Want to learn how to play the game from the design team? Join the veteran playtesters who have over 24 years of game research and development. Play through a narrative designed to teach you how to play Reforged. Game will be held virtually through remote sign in. Note: All official playtesters are required to sign NDAs to protect their personal privacy and the privacy of other playtesters. This bundle is $1000.


Stretch Goals

$25,000: Common Objects Codex Expansion 
Our Character Creation App will include stats for over 25 common objects. Example: Doors, Chests, Cars, Walls, etc. Let the app answer hard-hitting questions like, “How much Damage can a door take before it breaks?”

$50,000: Common Objects Codex Expansion 
Our Character Creation App will include stats for over 50 common objects. 

$75,000: More Playable Species Expansion 
Our Character Creation App will include over 500 playable species. 

$100,000: Common Objects Codex Expansion 
Our Character Creation App will include stats for over 100 common objects.

$125,000: More Playable Species Expansion 
Our Character Creation App will include over 600 playable species.

$175,000: Character Creation App: iOS Edition
We built the Character Creation App for Android and Windows PC. The iOS build needs some time and some money to get up to speed. Apple App Development is a Boss Encounter we can only defeat if we work together. 

$200,000: Book 1-2 Editing: Monroe
Our game's development inspired an incredible fantasy novel saga named Monroe by Jahx.The first draft of Books 1-8 is up on Royal Road. Books 9-12 are underway. We're getting Jahx's viral novels published. This Stretch Goal funds professional editing for Volumes 1 & 2.

$225,000: Book 3-4 Editing: Monroe
Our game's development inspired an incredible fantasy novel saga named Monroe by Jahx.The first draft of Books 1-8 is up on Royal Road. Books 9-12 are underway. We're getting Jahx's viral novels published. This Stretch Goal funds professional editing for Volumes 3 & 4.

$250,000: Book 5-6 Editing: Monroe
Our game's development inspired an incredible fantasy novel saga named Monroe by Jahx.The first draft of Books 1-8 is up on Royal Road. Books 9-12 are underway. We're getting Jahx's viral novels published. This Stretch Goal funds professional editing for Volumes 5 & 6.

$275,000: Book 7-8 Editing: Monroe
Our game's development inspired an incredible fantasy novel saga named Monroe by Jahx.The first draft of Books 1-8 is up on Royal Road. Books 9-12 are underway. We're getting Jahx's viral novels published. This Stretch Goal funds professional editing for Volumes 7 & 8.

$375,000: Species Codex Art
Our Character Creation App includes 400+ playable species. At present there is no creature artwork included in the species entries. We would love to hire an illustrator to do their own rendition of the 400+ species in the codex. 

Play as a real undead.

Shipping and Logistics

We know shipping is expensive, especially for a tome that weighs over 5lbs! We are doing everything we can to keep costs down and will continue to work with our publishing company to make this process as painless as possible.

Make your monsters monstrous!

Playtesting is done. We know our system works. We know nothing is perfect; but, with over two decades of playtesting we know peerless is an achievable goal.

Our Tome of Rules is complete, written, laid out, edited, and printed. Print, PDF, and Kindle copies are ready to go!

Our Leatherworker is crafting Limited edition covers now. Add-Ons such as Reforged symbol dice and minis are cast, printed, and ready to ship. 

The Character Creation App has made it through Alpha and Beta testing and is working its way through Google Play approval. Our only foreseen risk is Google Play Store slowing down our App release schedule.

This project is nearly complete. Now we need your help to cross the finish line, so we can continue to bring you quality content.

Spellcasting that doesn't break your game.

Release Schedule

Our Tome of Rules is Printed. Our PDF and Kindle are ready for release.

Our Character Creation App is in the Publish and Release process with Google Play.

Once the App gets approval, everything will be ready to go. If all goes well, you'll be playing Reforged by the end of 2024.

Transform your characters as they level.


Future Projects

We already have planned adventure guides, worldbuilding tutorials, genre and trope adaptation guides, and many, many more species options. While our system was built for your homebrew campaigns, our Reforged world books will offer “primary sources” of lore for people who prefer pre-made settings. In future fundraising campaigns, we will craft species compendiums in the form of illuminated Medieval Bestiaries. We’ll build pre-made world settings books in the form of thematic historical treatises. We've spent over twenty years playtesting in our own worlds, and we look forward to sharing them with you.

We know we have made something special here. Our playtesters have shown us what amazing things this community is capable of. We look forward to bringing your campaign worlds to life.   

"Alone we can achieve greatness, but together we become truly legendary." -Teddy

Morale Support: Vixen Helhund Jeveli
Game Design: Theodore Eric Jeveli
Playtesting Coordinator: Richard J Reid II
Cover Art: Megan Lucker
Reforged Symbol Design: Jasper Walters
Interior Art: Ksenia Svincova of Iren Horrors Art
Cartography: Stephanie Ingmire of Shing Cartography
Author Art: Radithya Ezra of Raditev on Fiverr
Structural Editing: Megan Lucker
Copy Editing: Teresa Grabs
Diversity and Inclusion Consultant: Sebastian Yue
Character Creation App Design: Chris Thompson and Matthew Lucker
Art Animation Video: Crafty Tabletop Studios
Crowdfunding Rewards: Amanda Starnes of 3dArtificer
Crowdfunding Skit Video: Megan Lucker

Eternal gratitude to LaunchBoom for guiding us through Pre-Launch!
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