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Get Ready for A new heritage for our descendants!

by Olga

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Help me buy a muffle kiln for my Ceramics Studio and make my brand ALIVE
Donate now💚

My name is Olga and I am a creator from Ukraine.

My creative path has been very wavy.
I completed my studies at the University of Arts in Kharkiv, Ukraine as an actress. I started my working career acting in the theater, and then transitioned to hosting various events and art management.
Then, I changed my profession and for over 7 years, I have worked as a Graphic Designer, focusing on illustration, painting, and drawing. But 2D art is not enough for me, so i decided to move into the world of real shapes.

Here we are!
Finally, it seems I have found the perfect combination for my skills - and that is CERAMICS.
Ceramics has become the perfect medium for expressing my creativity. I want my ideas to come to life and be of use to people.

In the future, I plan to create a ceramics workshop and also offer therapeutic and educational classes in ceramics, pottery, and dish painting.

Our heritage has been partially destroyed by the war.

We must restore it and create a new one. We must revive forgotten techniques and develop new ones. Clay therapy is an effective way for restoring balance and harmony. It distracts from everyday worries, improves mood, and helps get rid of obsessive thoughts. So this will help to restore the mental health of our nation 🇺🇦.

But there is one "but":
One of the most essential stages of creating ceramic pieces is firing them in a special muffle kiln.
Kilns of this type cost from 2000 to 4000 USD. It is a substantial amount which I find hard to spare from my family budget.

So I have to look for your support. I found a perfect kiln just for 1500 USD ,and I have already paid a 450 USD deposit, The kiln is currently in production, so i need 70% to pay it off ( 1050 USD).

I would be grateful if you could donate any amount for my kiln and make my brand ALIVE

I invite you to participate in this exciting process, and I have an appreciation gift for your donations.
‼️Please note that the photos show raw products. They will have a slightly different appearance after they are fired in the kiln. They will also be covered with glaze and will have bright colors.
Samples of the gift for your donation.

Would you like to contribute to my ceramical brand 'Helga Pottery'?

Click on “donate now” below.

If you want to know more about me as a creator:
My websites: Graphic designer / Illustrator
Instagram: @helgadsgn / @helgapottery_ua

By the way, if you can’t donate but still want to help, you can follow my social media and share this crowdfunding with friends and family!
Thank you in advance!

🧡 I believe we can create a new heritage to leave for our descendants!

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