
April 2025
32 people here now!

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This is a bit of a place-holder presentation for those who want to sign up early! We will begin sprucing up the presentation and giving out more information when we get back from GaryCon.

OSRIC 3 is a retro-clone ruleset for playing first-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons,* the signature roleplaying game of the 1980s. The style of play is freewheeling and epic, simpler than modern RPGs but with endless depth.  First published in 2006, OSRIC was one of the first games that started the OSR (Old School Renaissance) publishing movement, with thousands of adventures and other resources available from third-party publishers. OSRIC 3 is updated and revised, and relies upon the Creative Commons License rather than the Open Game License.
*Legal Note: Mythmere Games is not affiliated with WotC, the holder of the Dungeons & Dragons trademark.