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Tome of Intangible Treasures 2 - A Hunter's Guide to Rituals

user avatar image for Lone Colossus Games

Hunt the Monsters. Prepare your Rites. Steal their Power. Absorb the abilities of 100 new 5e-compatible monsters using harvested components to conduct magical rituals and enchant yourself with 300 new boons and charms.

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Lone Colossus Games
about 13 hours ago
Launch date confirmed, painted test mini, and more early access content
Hey everyone! I shared this in an email earlier, but I'm excited to officially confirm the launch date for the project as one week from today on April 1st! Also, I finally ...
Lone Colossus Games
5 days ago
Early Access Boons and Charms: Brightwing Alicorn
Hey everyone! Following up on the earlier post this week as usual with the boons and charms for the Brightwing Alicorn! I forgot to mention this in the last update, but thi...
Lone Colossus Games
8 days ago
Early Access Monster Reveal: Brightwing Alicorn
Hey everyone! Our targeted launch date is coming up quickly, and I'd love to see us hit 1000 followers before that happens. I hope you're all as excited as I am, and I encou...
Lone Colossus Games
12 days ago
Boons and Charms Reveal, and a Poll!
Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing the boons and charms that players might ritually absorb from the Glorious Pridequeen! As usual, you can see these by opening the update in you...
Lone Colossus Games
15 days ago
New Early Access Monster Reveal!
Hey everyone! I'm sharing another monster with you all today - the Glorious Pridequeen! This is the lioness counterpart to the Glorious Prideking, and is vastly capable of s...
Lone Colossus Games
19 days ago
More Early Access Content, Launch Party update!
Hey everyone! I've got some more early access, follower-only content to share with you today, as well as an update to the Launch Party page with a new "Miniatures" section t...

Follow for a free early look at the sample PDF!

Plus, a limited tier to have a custom monster made just for you!

What better way to celebrate a victory against a dangerous creature than to take its power for yourself?

Tome of Intangible Treasures II expands your options for 5e-compatible story-based rewards with:
  • Ritual and Harvesting systems that allow players to absorb the abilities of fallen enemies
  • 100 fully fleshed out monsters complete with stat blocks, art, lore, adventure hooks, and tactics
  • 300 new boons and charms that can be bestowed using materials harvested from slain creatures

Executioner Devil, by Todd Ulrich

Hunt a fey beast like the prismatic jewelbird and imprint its power onto yourself, gaining a magical boon that allows you to replicate its Prismatic Aura, or slay the implacable executioner devil and steal its deadly Executioner's Cut - rendering you capable of separating soul from flesh.
Prismatic Jewelbird, by Dimas Iswara

Follow today for an early look at the preview PDF!

Get the 27-page preview when you follow the project! See the first project update for details.


Tome of Intangible Treasures II will also include miniatures as an add-on option! The campaign will launch with 5 miniatures (all Large size) in both STL and Resin mini bundle add-ons. Over the course of the campaign, we'll unlock additional minis and increase the value of each bundle! The exact monsters we unlock will be determined after the campaign is over, with some input from backers, but you can find a list of the starting miniatures below along with a preview of the first model.

Starting Minis
The miniature bundles begin with models for the Brightwing Alicorn, Brine Witch, Executioner Devil, False Knight, and Prismatic Jewelbird. These minis represent a variety of CRs from 6 to 17, and entity types (one each of Aberrant, Celestial, Fey, Primal, and Unholy).

Executioner Devil STL (with attached base)

5e 2014/2024 Compatibility

Because the SRD for 5e 2024 has yet to be released, the preview PDF of the book is written with compatibility for 5e 2014. However, the relative balance of boons and charms has not changed between the two editions, and the biggest change in monster design is the way the rules are represented, with 2024's stat blocks generally being clearer and easier to read. The book will be readily usable with all editions of 5e, and any guidance needed for "conversion" one way or the other will be provided for whichever edition isn't natively used in the book.

Brine Witch, by Todd Ulrich

Heliana's Compatibility

In addition to the Rituals system introduced in the book, the recipes for each boon and charm will also be made compatible with the crafting and harvesting systems found in Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting, allowing you to use your preferred method of crafting for your game.

Get these dice when you back any physical tier in the first 72 hours! (dice are mockups)

Whether you're looking for new monsters for your players to fight or new adventures for them to go on, Tome of Intangible Treasures II is sure to have what you're looking for.