Welcome to the official Backerkit page for Hearts of Titan, an animated action-comedy series created by Kappapon Studios! With your support, we can bring our series to life and provide exciting rewards for our backers!
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Hearts of Titan is an independently made action-comedy animated series!
The story revolves around three unusual young adults and a disgraced space prince on a path to unraveling an intergalactic mystery. Their suspicious full-ride scholarship is only the beginning to a much greater journey. As the story unfolds, our heroes are met with a cataclysmic chain of events containing magic, mayhem and cybernetic criminals.
This project is a love letter to cartoons—from blockbuster films to animation memes made on an artist's first drawing tablet. Inspired by early 2000s action cartoons and niche 2010s internet animation, Hearts of Titan is a story packed with fun! Furthermore, it delves into the themes of belonging, self-exploration, identity and young adult life.
This project is a love letter to cartoons—from blockbuster films to animation memes made on an artist's first drawing tablet. Inspired by early 2000s action cartoons and niche 2010s internet animation, Hearts of Titan is a story packed with fun! Furthermore, it delves into the themes of belonging, self-exploration, identity and young adult life.
We invite you on our journey to expand the project’s story!
With our proof of concept completed, Kappapon Studios is crowdfunding a 5-minute animated short within the Hearts of Titan series!