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Acclaimed fantasy author Jenn Lyons is releasing her first science-fiction novel straight to fans, available as e-book, audio book, trade paperback, and hardcover. (There will also be a whole lot of cool merch.) Hit that 'Yes, I do!' button for all the updates.
So what IS Full Negative? Bluntly, it's the first novel I ever wrote, the one that sat in a drawer before I dusted it off during lockdown and rewrote the whole thing. The best way I can describe it is: think of the X-Men meets Star Wars by way of Jason Bourne. It has all the classic tropes of one of my novels: it's sometimes grim, sometimes funny, is full of betrayals and explosions, fights and dark family secrets, telepaths and shape-changers. Pure space opera and I love it to bits.
Publishing directly to you means I can play with a lot of toys that normally aren't available to me with traditional publishing: yes, I mean merch. Stickers, bookmarks, t-shirts, and much more, in addition to the most important stuff: e-book, trade paperback, hardcover, and audio book versions of the novel, all professionally edited and illustrated.
If we can make the stretch goals, I even have plans for a really cool setting guide, because this world is every bit as intricate as the one in A Chorus of Dragons and has been in development, off-and-on, for almost forty years. March 18 is right around the corner, so please: follow this account and come join me for the ride.
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