Project Update: Failed Pledges and Smoke Tests Sent Out!
Hi everyone!! ♡
Just a quick small update for you guys~
Just a quick small update for you guys~
- Failed Pledges -
Payments for pledges have mostly been processed, but there is currently 7 failed payments! You should have received an email from Backerkit letting you know if your pledge was successful or if it failed, so please double check your email to see. I have also sent out an email to those whose payment has failed, letting them know so they can fix their payments.
Right now, I believe you have until the 27th of February to update your payment method so your pledge is successful. Pledges that are still unsuccessfully collected after that point will be cancelled and not receive any items.
Right now, I believe you have until the 27th of February to update your payment method so your pledge is successful. Pledges that are still unsuccessfully collected after that point will be cancelled and not receive any items.
- Smoke Tests -
The smoke tests have been sent out earlier to just a few people from each tier! After those have been filled out, I will double check to make sure nothing is wrong with the survey. If everything looks good, the rest of the surveys will be sent out to everyone else who backed!
If you guys have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me!
Thank you guys for everything~
If you guys have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or email me!
Thank you guys for everything~