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Capybara Crush:: Each card has 3 critters in a column. Each turn, choose one from the river to play onto one of your capybaras, or add a capybara to your roster by playing it upside down. You can use special powers that vary each game to rearrange, flip, or shift them.
At the end of your turn, score your horizontal and diagonal lines of matching critters. The value of a critter shifts back to 1 each time someone claims it, and shifts up each time a higher type is claimed instead. Tactically, choose to rush and score lines when they're valuable or wait to cash in multiple lines at once. You must carefully watch each player's board state, as they will disrupt your scoring opportunities if you're not planning ahead. If you love Azul, Sagrada, and Splendor, this game is perfect for your collection. It's a cute spatial puzzle that has fun moments and cool combos without burning your brain.
The solo mode is a chill puzzle, akin to a match-3 mobile game against an easy to run AI opponent.
Combine two or more games to play with larger crowds with simultaneous drafting rules.
You can play Trickybara, a trick taking game, using this deck!
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