Nightmare Fuel

Nightmare Fuel

Three new bestiary volumes for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG! Terrible slithering things, creepy-crawlies with their skeleton on the outside, or no skeleton at all, and a selection of awful green things. Three books filled with Nightmare Fuel!
$35,138 🎉
of $24,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Have Some Nightmare Fuel!

Gaming Ballistic is thrilled to present the next volumes in a hopefully ever-expanding set of ready-to-play creatures for your Dungeon Fantasy RPG games...or anything else that needs some horrific fun!

Nightmare Fuel provides three themed books of monsters: Serpents of Legend (40 pages), The Bugstiary (36 pages), and Garden of Evil (20 pages).

Each book is presented in a very similar fashion to the Nordlond Bestiary, with background, abilities, stats, and each creature having its own custom artwork.

The details of each book can be found below. Welcome to your nightmare. Hope you're not too afraid of spiders, bugs, and carnivorous plants!

No, these aren't the real covers. I've got art in commission, and I'll roll it out as the campaign progresses!

The Nordlondr Ovinabokin (Bestiary and Enemies Book) is the model for layout, graphic design, and art style for the real books.

 These two creatures from the existing Nordlond Bestiary exemplify the layout and style:
  • A description of the monster, including where it's found and its behavior or motivation
  • Special Abilities and powers
  • Traits, Skills, and Spells, plus an attack block showing preferred and secondary attacks
  • A uniform stat-block including pre-calculated control point thresholds for use with Fantastic Dungeon Grappling
  • Custom art for each monster archetype, along with a silhouette of Ylsa the Averagely Tall Human (she's 5' 9" tall) for scale.

Serpents of Legend

Why Did it Have to Be Snakes?

Always a classic. From the powerful spawn of the World Serpent Jörmungandr to the mythical hydra. The flying coatl and the (totally not a) medusa. These legendary creatures come in all sorts of sizes, ready to crush, envenom, and petrify delvers. Or swallow them whole.

"Gorgon" by Lema Stock Art

And of course, since no fantasy world is complete without serpent cults, this book covers them as well. "I will not turn into a snake. It never helps."

We disagree! Come ... join us. The great and powerful Dulsa Thoom will lead you to true happiness! His followers travel the world to bring word of his greatness, and also sell you healing balms and oils.

Snakeman Shaman by Quico Vicens Picatto

This book includes
  • A brief history of Jörmungandr and its influence on the monsters in the book
  • Build-a-Snek to customize serpent-monsters (and serpent-people!) to your needs
  • Rules enhancements for snakelike beings
  • Several dozen variations on 10 types of creatures
  • Information on snake cults and their leaders

Now we know why it had to be snakes! How could it be anything else?

Serpents of Legend Monster List!


The Bugstiary

Really Big Bugs

What's more terrifyingly awesome than a swarm of insects? A plague of giant, man-eating insects.

Really, what could be better for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG than a bunch of creatures with their skeletons on the outside? Or perhaps no skeletons at all? Armored monsters with pinching claws and stinging tails? Oh, yes. Count me in.

Scorpions in the Desert by Christian Villacis (from Dungeon Grappling)

From giant ants to ant-men. Scorpions both swarmed and super-sized. And spiders of course. From ancient near-gods (who are absolutely not spawns of Ungoliant) to baby acid spiders. Does it sting, bite, enweb, or just look creepy?

You'll find it here:

Giant Rhino Beetle by Eric Lofgren

This book is a straight-up catalog of crawling horror: At least 32 different insects, arthropods, and near-human (-ish? -oid?) creatures, ready to play.

The book is, of course, a work in progress, with art and editing under development. Here's a sample spread showing the giant scorpion, available in medium, large, and extra-large:

Monster List!

Below is a list of the monsters in the book. You can find this list, as well as more sample art, on the discussion page.


Garden of Evil

Feed Me, Seymour!

Ah...what better than to spend time in nature? The foliage rustles in the breeze ... wait, are those footsteps? Is that plant walking? Shambling? Hey! That thing has teeth!

...and vines. And dripping goo?

Dryad by Dean Spencer

Sometimes it's the scenery that's out to kill you. From awakened trees, and a shrubbery that brings you where it wants, to things that are definitely not ents. From literature and legend, a host of vegetative monstrosities populate this short volume.

Carnivorous Tree by Dean Spencer

Evil willows. Walking foliage. Clinging vines. Carnivorous flytraps. Sixteen different flavors of plant monster. Sing it with me: Delvers sure look like plant-food to me!

As with all of these projects, the "below the waterline" work is always underway. Here's a Work-in-Progress of the cover, by Brendan Lancaster:

and an Animated Shrubbery, by Teresa Guido. When the knight said "bring me ... a shrubbery!" I don't think they thought it would be quite so vicious!


Reward Levels

The pledge levels are detailed below.

This pledge level catches you up in one click on all the things that have been published by Gaming Ballistic since the Nordlond Bestiary, in both Print and PDF. Includes:

  • Serpents of Legend (Print and PDF)
  • The Bugstiary (Print and PDF)
  • Garden of Evil (Print and PDF)
  • Shields Up! (Print and PDF)
  • Nightmare Fuel Quick-Reference Cards (Physical Deck and PDFs)
  • Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT module

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This pledge level gets you all the Nightmare Fuel products, from books to cards to VTT, in both print/hardcopy and digital format. If you got Shields Up! from the Gaming Ballistic Shopify Store, this may be what you're looking for. Or if you hate shields. 


  • Serpents of Legend (Print and PDF)
  • The Bugstiary (Print and PDF)
  • Garden of Evil (Print and PDF)
  • Nightmare Fuel Quick-Reference Cards (Physical Deck and PDFs)
  • Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT module

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

Those who wish to assemble an a la carte reward can use the $1 Build Your Own Reward level, and that opens up all of the add-ons. However, if you're mostly interested in existing material, you can get it from the Gaming Ballistic Shopify store: Click Here to get a 10% discount while the Nightmare Fuel campaign is running.

This reward level provides PDF copies of

  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil

This digital reward level does not include the Nightmare Fuel omnibus hardcover stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This pledge level gets you all the Nightmare Fuel products, from books to cards to VTT, in digital format only.


  • Serpents of Legend (PDF)
  • The Bugstiary (PDF)
  • Garden of Evil (PDF)
  • Nightmare Fuel Quick-Reference PDF
  • Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT module

This digital reward level does not include the Nightmare Fuel omnibus hardcover stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This pledge level gets you all the Nightmare Fuel products, including the PDFs of the Quick-Reference cards and the VTT, in digital format. It also includes the new book Shields Up! which does for shield use what Fantastic Dungeon Grappling did for wrestling. Assuming that appeals to you!


  • Serpents of Legend (PDF)
  • The Bugstiary (PDF)
  • Garden of Evil (PDF)
  • Nightmare Fuel Quick-Reference PDF
  • Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT module
  • Shields Up! (PDF)

This digital reward level does not include the Nightmare Fuel omnibus hardcover stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This reward level provides PDF copies of

  • The Nordlondr Ovinabokin (Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book)
  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil

Plus any unlocked digital stretch goals.

The Nordlond Bestiary is 192 pages long, fully hyperlinked, and fully illustrated.

This digital reward level does not include the Nightmare Fuel omnibus hardcover stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This reward level provides Print and PDF copies of

  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

This reward level provides Print and PDF copies of

  • The Nordlondr Ovinabokin (Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book)
  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

The Nordlond Bestiary is 192 pages long, fully hyperlinked, and fully illustrated. 

The Bestiary Hardback ships only from the United States. You can get it...but it's going to be expensive.

This reward level gets you Print and PDF copies of 

  • Dungeon Fantasy RPG Boxed Set (includes Fantastic Dungeon Grappling)
  • Dungeon Fantasy RPG Monsters 2
  • The Nordlondr Ovinabokin (Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book)
  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

For retailers (or folks who want a whole lot of monsters), this provides four physical copies each of

  • Serpents of Legend
  • The Bugstiary
  • Garden of Evil
  • The Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies Book 
  • Shields Up!

The books are offered at a 50% discount. No digital content/PDFs are included with this pledge level. Only available in the USA.

This reward level includes the Nightmare Fuel omnibus stretch goal if it is unlocked.

Starter Sets and SJGames Products

In cooperation with Steve Jackson Games, Gaming Ballistic is pleased to offer several SJGames products available as part of the rewards.

Dungeon Fantasy RPG Boxed Set

This is the core set for most of the Powered by GURPS books published by Gaming Ballistic. Includes everything you need to play in the box itself - you don't need the GURPS Basic Set or anything else.

For the first time Gaming Ballistic is also able to offer the companion PDFs to the physical boxed set volumes, or even just the PDFs by themselves. 

The Dungeon Fantasy RPG Companions

Each of the three DFRPG Companions is also available as an add-on. In particular, Companion 3 contains the Shield-Bearer profession, which is mentioned in passing in Shields Up!


Nordlond Bestiary: Still Available!

The NorĂ°londr Ă“vinabĂłkin - the Nordlond Bestiary and Enemies book - delivered nearly 200 creatures, ready to play. The three new products support this book, though they are usable without it!

A limited number (125) of US-Hub-only pledges will be available for those who missed the Kickstarter at the end of last year.

Go to the Add-ons section to increase your pledge by $35 (PDF only), $60 (Print-only), or $75 (Print+PDF) if you want to add this a la carte to a pledge that doesn't already include it.

Nordlond Bestiary Mockup

Bestiaries on Display at Fnordcon!


Stretch Goal!

As the campaign launches, there's only one stretch goal: If we hit $48,000 - 200% funding - Gaming Ballistic will create a hardcover omnibus version of the book, and everyone who pledges for the physical Nightmare Fuel books will get one.

This is in addition to the books you'll receive as part of your pledge: it's a "plus-up," not a replacement!

I'm anticipating a 96-page hardback.

This is a mockup of what the omnibus will look like, using Dean Spencer's excellent artwork on both front and rear covers (gorgon sorceress on the back, holy warrior vs. hydra on the front).


Add-ons: Read this First!

Some important conditions apply to add-ons, especially hardcopies. Please read the following carefully.

Click to Increase Pledge

When you click on an add-on, your pledge will increase by the cost of the add-on. There is no other indicator! No items put in a "shopping cart" or record of what you did - just the (convenient) auto-calculation of how much your pledge needs to be. If you click twice, your pledge will go up twice, and that amount will appear as a credit on the later Backerkit Pledge Manager.

In Pledge Manager, you'll be able to spend the credit on add-ons, change your pledge level if you wish, and pay for shipping - the normal Backerkit survey and add-on process.

PDF Add-ons

Copies of PDFs are available in all countries without restrictions. This includes Gaming Ballistic's and Steve Jackson Games' products, including PDF versions of the Quick-Reference cards.

Physical Product

  • The hardcover of the Nordlond Bestiary as well as the physical copies of the Quick-Reference Cards only ship from the "United States hub" to the USA, Canada, and Australia/New Zealand. They do not ship to addresses outside of these countries.
  • Dungeon Fantasy RPG Boxed Sets only ship within the USA for this campaign.
  • AUS/NZ shipping from the US Hub is being handled by a partner in Australia. Product will ship after December 16 due to availability of personnel. 
  • If you use a freight forwarding service with a US address ... that counts as "within the US" for the campaign. Gaming Ballistic and SJGames are not responsible for the package once it safely arrives at the forwarding location!

Foundry VTT Asset Packs

The asset and token packs for the Nordlond Bestiary require you to have installed a copy of the latest version of Foundry VTT.

Can't' Find an Add-on?

Not every Gaming Ballistic product is listed in add-ons. For those that aren't...all of my Dungeon Fantasy RPG products are on sale for the duration of the campaign on the Gaming Ballistic Shopify Store. Click HERE to be taken to the store with the coupon code enabled!


Add-ons: Clickable List

Once you've read the Read This First section, then you can find an abridged version of the add-ons list below.

Clicking on an image increases the amount of your pledge the same way the Add-ons page does. Only selected Add-Ons are shown below. You will have another chance to peruse the list when the Pledge Manager goes live after the campaign.

Hardcover and PDF copies of the 192-page Nordlond Bestiary.

 Digital copy (PDF) only of the 192-page Nordlond Bestiary

Deck of 4x5" Quick Reference Cards for creatures in Nightmare Fuel

PDF of the Quick-Reference cards. Use on screen or print your own.

Both the Bestiary and Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT Modules

Nightmare Fuel Foundry VTT Module

Shields Up! in both softcover print and PDF

Digital copy (PDF) only of Shields Up!


Estimated Schedule

A project isn't a project without a schedule. Gaming Ballistic is making all efforts to have the project move along with due dispatch. The bulk of the writing is finished, though editing and layout are still yet to be done. The long pole in the tent is art, and nearly every piece is being custom made: No time-saving by using images of real animals like the Nordlond Bestiary!

Estimated schedule:

  • Campaign Start: Thursday, October 13
  • Campaign End: Sunday, November 6
  • Pledge Manager Start: On or before November 13
  • Shipping Estimates Posted: Nov 20-23
  • PDF Finalization (Art, Writing, Layout complete): mid-December 
  • Backerkit Lock Orders/Charge Card Start: December 16
  • Manufacturing/Printing of Softcovers and Cards: mid-January*
  • Backerkit Charge Shipping: September/October (when printing complete) 
  • Print Fulfillment Begins: February-March

The holidays are rough times to get anything done. I'm trying to allow for delays and slippage, but other companies are reporting weeks of unanticipated delays due to staffing shortages, red tape, and the world not exactly back to normal. I'll do my best. 

Hardcover Omnibus Stretch Goal

If the stretch goal for the hardcover omnibus is achieved, things may go more slowly. Print order would be placed mid-December, and then it's a month to print, another six to eight weeks to get stateside, a week to pick and pack, and two weeks to deliver. Assuming it doesn't sit in port for several weeks like last time. So 15-18 weeks from PDF finalization. That makes it end of April.

All efforts shall be made to beat these times. 

Survey Waves

Pledge Manager: Once the campaign is complete, a survey will be sent out using Backerkit Pledge Manager to finalize add-ons, and complete first-wave payment.

Charge Shipping Later: The second wave will happen after these surveys hit the 50-70% completion level. This is enough data for Gaming Ballistic to determine what is going where and arrange for the right pricing. The brief delay between the initial surveys and finalizing shipping charges is enough to get the right pricing. If you don't want to commit your payment before you have full knowledge of shipping fees, I understand. Just wait until they're posted. If you've backed my projects before, you know I don't try and make money on shipping; I just try and lose as little as possible. But it's cool: if you want to wait, that's fine.

Digital Product Delivery: Initial delivery of PDFs will be via Backerkit. After any errata are hammered out from the initial distributions, the finalized PDFs will be sent out via Complimentary Copy distribution on DriveThruRPG.

Physical Product Delivery: The print books are somewhat at the mercy of paper shortage, energy shortage, and shipping crisis, and there have been some issues with print quality at usually reliable vendors. So there's plausible opportunity for schedule slip in physical product delivery, especially if the project overachieves, driving a substantial offset print run.


Shipping and Fulfillment

"Ships to Whole World" is not free shipping. 

Shipping fees shall be assessed after the project completes during the Backerkit Pledge Manager phase.

  • Domestic books will be printed in the USA and fulfilled from Gaming Ballistic via USPS Media Mail.
  • Boxed Sets and other SJGames add-ons are only available from the US hub
  • Quick-Reference Cards and the Hardcover Nordlondr Bestiary are only available from the US Hub.
  • Delivery to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand will be shipped via USPS from the United States to avoid the usually egregious "handling" fees that couriers charge, which are frequently more than the shipping fee and sometimes more than the product itself. 

Shipment to an international freight forwarding service such as MyUS is strongly recommended for international parties who want access to the full range of products. 

International Shipping

Softcover books from Gaming Ballistic will be printed at Mixam in the UK, and delivered for fulfillment by GamesQuest.

The hardcover Bestiary and Quick-Reference card decks are not available internationally as part of the crowdfunding. They ARE available (probably with horrible shipping fees), a la carte on the Gaming Ballistic Shopify store.

International shipping is much more costly than it has been in the past. Ridiculously so. The world still labors under the shadow of COVID-19, war in the Ukraine, and supply chain shortages and delays. Calling them "catastrophic" is not overselling.

International Shipping of this project is going to be expensive and challenging. Be prepared.

International Duties and Taxes

Delivery in the UK uses Royal Mail and is usually reasonable. Delivery to the EU via GamesQuest uses DDP terms and is usually relatively smooth. Other nations should be careful: shipping is high, service charges are legion, and such transit is under DDU (Delivery Duties Unpaid) terms. GamesQuest does not currently ship to Russia. They only reluctantly ship to Brazil.

Any and all fees levied by your local country customs are the sole responsibility of the recipient. Refunds will not be offered for packages rejected for customs fees.

Furthermore, if shipping costs for physical product are unpaid in BackerKit after survey deadlines, Gaming Ballistic will reduce your physical reward pledge to the digital reward pledge and refund 80% of the difference (accounting to funds lost to fees and other costs).


Copyright and License Notification

Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game™, Powered by GURPS®, GURPS®, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, and used under license by Gaming Ballistic. Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game™ and all derived works © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

Your support of the authors’ rights is appreciated.
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project