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Hexes: Four Breaths

user avatar image for Simon Birks

When the ambulance carrying Barbara overturns on the way to the hospital, she explains to the paramedic, Tim, why her final breath is so important.

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Simon Birks
24 days ago
Stretch Goal/Add-Ons Preferences
Would love to know what people like in the way of stretch-goals and add-ons? Light and flat is the ideal combination! We've done additional back matter, bookmarks, coasters, prints, but always interested in everyone's preferences!
Simon Birks
29 days ago
Have you backed a Blue Fox comic/book before? If so, which one(s) and why?
Welcome to our first Backerkit campaign! Simon here, and I wanted to know if you've seen/heard of us before, whether you've backed/picked up any of our books, and, if so, which ones have you got and why?

Welcome to the launch party page for Hexes: Four Breaths!

Hexes is our anthology series of full-length issues (20+ pages) with a horror/supernatural theme, all based in the same universe.

We've published two volumes already, and we start the third collection with Hexes: Four Breaths.

See some reviews below:

"I know that you usually get something with a bit of mysticism and a lot of heart, and Hexes: Four Breaths is no exception." 3 Million Years

"It’s a simple story, but it’s a powerful one, and definitely worth reading." Fanbase Press

Fantastically written by Simon Birks with gorgeous artwork by Majory Yokomizo--plus stellar letting by  Rob Jones, I really enjoyed my digital preview copy" The Newest Rant