80s Babies
about 2 months ago

Project Update: We are T-Minus 1 month from Campaign LAUNCH!!

Ok, ok, we know, this is our first email for all of you lovely people who've signed up and want to make 80s Babies a reality! When it comes down to it, we recognize that email lists can be a bit annoying when your inbox gets flooded. That being said, we just wanted to pop in quickly to give you this update.

We are one month away from our campaign launching and we've been working on some pretty rad reward ideas for the different pledge levels!! While that is all still being finalized, we've included this little "sneak peek" image of some of the physical rewards you can expect to see when the campaign goes live. Keep in mind that all of this artwork is subject to change, but at least you have an idea of what you can get when you support our project.

While we are very excited about our campaign going live, we are also a bit worried by the relatively low number of email subscribers we've gathered so far. Please please do encourage your friends, family, coworkers--anybody that you think might be interested in this project--to sign up to our mailing list. We promise we won't flood your inbox with constant messages! Just a few reminders here and there to make sure y'all know what's going on.

After all, you're reading this message because you want to see this film become reality and we need all the emails we can get to boost our chances of that happening! Thanks again for supporting our project!!




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