Project Update: Achievement Unlocked! A SpooOOooky Power Revealed!
Happy Halloween to all you spooky spirits out there!
We passed the 8500 mark last night, and that is amazing and fantastic! The fact that we keep hitting these at a regular rate is mind-boggling to us. Thank you all so much!
Since I've revealed one Unique Power card for each of the three announced-so-far Spirits, I was going to double-back with this reveal and show off another Unique Power card for our first Spirit: Behemoth. However! Today is, as noted, the spookiest of days! Thus, we must turn to the spookiest Spirit...
Fear and Strife, indeed! Note that you may choose for your Incarna to count as a Beast, so you almost always have a Beast in a useful position for making this most of this Power, but it's especially juicy if you have a Invaders and a Beast (who might just be your Incarna) in the Endless Dark.
Since you must let pieces Escape the Endless Dark with some regularity, many times, some Invaders Escape who you weren't quite done with yet. A little Terror of the Hunted makes sure that those Invaders are thoroughly Strifed, keeping them from returning to the island and dealing damage during Ravage.
We'll have a regularly scheduled update in a couple hours here, featuring an intensely focused Spirit! See you then!
Since I've revealed one Unique Power card for each of the three announced-so-far Spirits, I was going to double-back with this reveal and show off another Unique Power card for our first Spirit: Behemoth. However! Today is, as noted, the spookiest of days! Thus, we must turn to the spookiest Spirit...
Fear and Strife, indeed! Note that you may choose for your Incarna to count as a Beast, so you almost always have a Beast in a useful position for making this most of this Power, but it's especially juicy if you have a Invaders and a Beast (who might just be your Incarna) in the Endless Dark.
Since you must let pieces Escape the Endless Dark with some regularity, many times, some Invaders Escape who you weren't quite done with yet. A little Terror of the Hunted makes sure that those Invaders are thoroughly Strifed, keeping them from returning to the island and dealing damage during Ravage.
We'll have a regularly scheduled update in a couple hours here, featuring an intensely focused Spirit! See you then!
Goal: 8,500 backers reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!