Limited Edition Hardcover + PDF

You get one physical copy of Girl by Moonlight Limited Edition hardcover plus the PDF at no additional cost. The Limited Edition will feature an alternate cover & endpapers, plus two ribbon bookmarks. It will not be reprinted after this campaign. The interior text and artwork will be exactly the same as the standard edition.  In addition to these rewards, you get all the rewards from the $15 digital level. Shipping to be billed separately via pledge manager after the campaign. ONLY SHIPS TO: USA, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ, IE, and NO

  • Shipping to be billed via pledge manager when books are ready
  • Immediate access to the fully playable prototype PDF
  • Immediate access to Roll20 Quick Start Module with intro Scenario
  • Final PDF with all updates and full artwork when it's done
  • Purchase code to get an at-cost softcover print-on-demand copy
  • PDFs of all funded stretch goals
  • Hardcover Limited Edition copy of Girl by Moonlight
  • Community Copy of Girl by Moonlight x2

Expected Delivery Date: January 2024

Limited Edition Hardcover + PDF


509 Backers