Free pin with every bag pledge and pledges of 4+ pins!
Gashapon Friends Enamel Pins

Gashapon Friends Enamel Pins

A collection of cute, small enamel pin friends:)
$1,410 🎉
of $300
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Early Bird Backers - Pins are $1-2 cheaper than normal tiers!
Returning Backers - ALL receive a free random Gashapon Friend Pin with any pledge tier!
Backers who pledge for 4+ pins - Receive a free Gashapon Friend Pin of their choice!
Mini Tote Backers - Every Mini Tote pledge gets a free Gashapon Friend Pin of their choice!

As we progress in the campaign, more rewards for ALL backers will be unlocked!! Backers will be able to vote on what rewards are made:)

**Incentives CAN stack! For example, if you are an Early Bird backer who has backed one of my projects before and you order 7 pins, you will receive 2 free pins and each pin will be $1-2 cheaper than normal tiers!**

Do you remember going to restaurants or grocery stores, gas stations or dollar stores and seeing the rack of vending machines near the entrance? They'd have a variety of prizes -- cheap rings and sticky hands -- but my favorite was always the little rubber collectable animals. This enamel pin collection is my nostalgia-fueled enamel pin banzana inspired by those little guys!

Each pin is fairly small at just under 1 inch (23 mm) at their longest point. So please keep this in mind~ They're all hard enamel, gold-plated, with a rubber clutch and a backstamp for authenticity:) They'll also all come on an illustrated backing card!

Gashapon friends!
Collect them all!
**Vote for which kind of bag you'd like to see in the polls!!!** (note: the corduroy bag is much less stable due to the softness of the fabric; as you can see with the inconsistent shape of the bag. However, the colors are brighter, so that may affect your decision. Personally, the canvas bag is much sturdier, so that'd probably affect my decision.)


These Add-Ons do not need to be unlocked and can be added to any order!

Applecat and Bananadog Pins - $7/ea
Applecat and Bananadog!

Enamel Phone Charms - $8/ea
Enamel phone charms!

Enamel Earrings - $20/pair
Enamel earrings!

Please refer to the table below for ESTIMATE shipping costs! Shipping will be charged after the campaign and are subject to change!

U.S. :
1-10 pins:
11-21 pins:
Mini Tote Bag &/ up to 10 pins:
Mini Tote Bag & up to 21 pins:

1-10 pins:
11-21 pins:
Mini Tote Bag &/ up to 10 pins:
Mini Tote Bag & up to 21 pins:

**International backers are responsible for any VAT charges-- typically 15% of the shipment costs, but it varies by country**

July 6th - Campaign launches
July 31st - Campaign ends
Mid August - Survey goes out
Late August - Survey closes and production begins
September - Production continues
Mid-October - Products reach me & I start quality inspection
Late October - Orders begin shipping out!

** These are just estimates and actual times are subject to change. I will update if I receive news of any delays! **

How Backerkit Crowdfunding Works:
  • BK crowdfunding is a fundraising platform to fund bigger projects. It's all-or-nothing, meaning you won't be charged at all if the initial fundraising goal isn't hit.
  • Designs are unlocked as pledge goals are hit, meaning they have been fully funded and will be put into production.
  • When you pledge money, you will NOT be charged until the end of the campaign. You can still cancel your pledge until then!
  • You can still pledge money for designs that haven't been unlocked, as your pledge will go towards unlocking it! If your desired design is not unlocked by the end of the campaign, you can change/cancel your pledge (while the campaign is still active) or choose one of the unlocked designs.
  • Add-ons DO NOT need to be unlocked! I have them on-hand, so they are guaranteed to be delivered to you.
  • You can alter (upgrade, downgrade) or cancel your pledge at any time until the campaign ends.
  • I will send out a survey after the campaign ends (if it's successful) where you can finalize your bag/pin choice(s), add-on choice(s), and even add items that you didn't add before. This is also when you'll put down your shipping address, pay for shipping, and pay for any added items!
  • If you missed the campaign, pre-orders of the items will also be available; however, they'll be more expensive:)
  • I would like to reiterate that NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN WHEN THE CAMPAIGN ENDS:)

This campaign is INTERACTIVE!! Throughout the campaign, backers can vote on bag designs, color variations, freebie rewards, etc. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all!!

Hi! I'm Emily:) I created Beanmilk (it's named after one of my staple childhood drinks: canned soybean milk) and this is my first Backerkit campaign! I have 2 successful Kickstarters under my belt, and I'm really excited to try out Backerkit's crowdfunding as well:)

Producing pins is very expensive, so running a campaign gives me the means to make products that I wouldn't be able to otherwise.  All campaign prices are lower than they will be when sold after the campaign ends:)

You can find more information about me, as well as updates to the campaign and my other endeavors via my Instagram! You can also check out my current products in my shop!
If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project