Familiars Followup

Familiars Followup

Have you ever wanted to have a magical companion, to go with you and help you with all life’s woes? Who hasent! Check out these pins and find your loving companion.
$1,359 🎉
of $700
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Hey everyone! Some of you may know me from Kickstarter, but for those new faces welcome! I’m Abysmal Kaiju, or KaijuPins. I’ve successfully run about a dozen campaigns so far, and love enamel pins. This project is a follow up to my last one, adding even more to the collection.

I’ve always wanted to have a magical animal companion, a little buddy to follow me around and make my life brighter. In the course of the last project I ended up being handed a one week old kitten found sealed in a box and he grew along with the project. For those of you who checked in on him, he’s doing wonderful now, a 7 month of black cat who is fully of energy and woke me up at 5 am last night. 🖤 So while I may have found myself a new companion, you all still need one! I’m hoping that by adding even more little friends to this collection I can make even more people happy and get to make some really cool animals I’ve missed so far. If this goes well I may even design more! These are so fun for me to make and some of them have actually come directly from suggestions you guys have given! I’m always open to more ideas as well.

So, please, peruse the pins already made from the familiars project, and the new ones available here, and feel free to see who suits you best! If you are the uncertain type, or just curious, I also made a quiz with every single familiar available as an option! (Let’s not discuss how long that took) And if you have already taken it hey! I’ve added all the new options! Plus I changed the old ones around a little to keep them fresh. 

The pins from the last project are also available as add-ons after this project, not as main pledges mind, so if you missed one now is a good chance to get them! They will be more expensive later on when they are available online, and they currently are convention only 🖤

The pins



Crowd funding: July - August
Ordering: August
Pins being made: August - November/December
Shipped out: January/February 


Shipping estimates

For most US packages it will be around 6$ to ship. For other countries it will vary, Canada will be 16$ and as much as possible other countries will be around 20$. There are countries, particularly the UK, that I’m uncertain if I can ship to at all right now, and I am sorry for that. If you have a specific question about availability please feel free to reach out.

Add on

The add ons available for the project right now are for this project specifically, to make things easier to match up for me. After the project is done I will have the previous project available to be added on so if you missed out you can still get them then :) 

Previous project pins

These are all the pins that were unlocked last time for those of you who are interested! We were so lucky to have enough to cover them all, so each of them will be available after this project as add ons if you want them!

The earrings

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