Now that you’ve built your physical prototype, it’s time to make your digital prototype as well.
Now that you’ve created a working physical prototype, you’ll want to digitize your efforts so you can reach more people and get the feedback you need. Luckily for us, there are a few affordable solutions out there with an established user base already established.
Here are a few options worth considering to share and/or digitize your prototype:
Google Meet / Facebook Messenger / Skype / Twitch / Discord
If you just want some visual feedback from folks, it’s never been easier to organize video chats with people. And it’s FREE! Use these tools to get your prototype in front of as many faces as you can. Organize a 1:1 brainstorming session, reach out to your community, host a livestream, and request feedback from influencers and people you admire. The point is, you have a lot of options and resources out there to get your prototype in front of people. There’s nothing stopping you.
Tabletop Simulator on Steam
While there is a small paywall and a slight learning curve, once you get the basics down, this is a fantastic resource to craft, share, and playtest your game. There are seemingly endless possibilities within this virtual sandbox.
Tabletopia on Steam
This is another virtual sandbox option to consider that is a little more accessible and visually polished but not as functional. No need for an account to start, and no special programming skills are required.
Even if you have no experience crafting a virtual version of your game, the options above are completely accessible and don’t require any special skills to learn, just some time to get familiar with all the ins and outs. Folks that take the extra effort to make digital prototypes of their game have a definite advantage when it comes to getting the feedback required to confidently launch on Kickstarter.
Game designer Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games (Scythe, WIngspan) discusses the current state of the games industry, and shares best practices for those designing and playtesting games.
Board Game Design Lab Prototype ResourcesA comprehensive list of prototyping resources from Board Game Design Lab
Playtest GroupsCardboard Edison has compiled a list of online and local playlets groups, along with their Discord or website links.
Now that you’ve created your first working physical and digital prototype, you should begin playtesting your game.
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